Fredericton Bouldering Cooperative's

About FBC Afterschool:
Our afterschool program has been running since our opening in 2019 and we are so thrilled to have already seen a community of young people from programming returning year after year and moving into our skills programs to develop their climbing even further. Our program is made up of two sub-groups (the ‘Bigs’ and the ‘Littles’) with a total of 30 participants.
FBC is a cooperative, and the afterschool program is available exclusively to FBC members.
As a co-op, our members have some say over the direction of the facility and all members are encouraged to participate in our Annual General Meeting (usually held in April).
Our afterschool program runs from 2 pm (younger kids)/ 3 pm (older kids) until 5:15 pm (Wednesdays - a half-day for Anglophone West district - begin at noon).* Our afterschool program includes full-day care PD Days and regular hours of care on snow days provided they fall on a day of the week your child already attends.
*afterschool times will be changing for the 2024/2025 school year in correlation with the schoolboard school hour changes
Afterschool pick-ups are provided at:
Connaught Street Elementary (K-2)
Connaught Street Elementary (3-5)
Bus stop pick up is provided for:
École des Bâtisseurs (M-2)
École des Bâtisseurs (3-5)
École Sainte-Anne (6)
Attendees from other schools must be dropped off by parents and/or guardians.
Our after-school program runs five days a week, Monday through Friday, with a minimum enrolment of two days/week required. Automatic billing occurs on the first of each month with your credit card information stored on our system remotely via stripe (for added security).
Pricing is as follows:
5 days/week is $390/month
4 days/week is $312/month
3 days/week is 234/month
2 days/week is $156/month
Our afterschool program for 2024/2025 is currently full - please email us at to be placed on the waitlist for any openings this year or to receive priority for pre-registration in the upcoming year.