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AGM 2018 Minutes

Fredericton Bouldering Co-op

MINUTES OF THE INAUGURAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS of Fredericton Bouldering Co-op, Ltd. (the "Corporation") held at Odell Lodge, 397 Rookwood Ave, Fredericton, NB on this 18th day of April, 2018.

  1. The following board members were present, constituting the entire board: Adam Morgan; Ian McLeod; Marc Labelle; Austin Conrad; Shawn Fairweather; and Carlie Dunbar.

  2. All the directors of the Corporation being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.

  3. UPON A MOTION DULY MADE, seconded and unanimously carried, Ian McLeod acted as Chairperson of the meeting and Carlie Dunbar as Secretary of the meeting.

  4. The agenda for the meeting was presented as below: 1- Welcome & opening remarks 2- Report from the board/president 4- Financial report 5- Approval of financial report by members 6- Election of the board 7- Recruitment for member assistance with fundraising. 8- End of meeting proper 9- Extended Q&A

  5. The Chairperson presented the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions were offered, seconded and unanimously adopted.


  • Adam Morgan, Ian McLeod, Marc Labelle, Austin Conrad, Shawn Fairweather, and Carlie Dunbar are appointed as directors of the Corporation until the next annual general meeting of the shareholders. The Secretary of the Corporation is authorized to perform all tasks as are necessary to give effect to this appointment.

Motion: Heather Loomer

Second: Sonia Wilson

Motion unanimously carried.

  • Financials will be reviewed instead of audited.

Motion: Adam Morgan

Second: Austin Conrad

Motion unanimously carried.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. Dated in the Province of New Brunswick on the 18th day of April, 2018.

Motion: Adam Morgan

Second: Marc Labelle

Motion unanimously carried.


Founding Members present

  1. Adamson Peter

  2. Adamson Jon

  3. Breau Sébastien

  4. Conrad Austin

  5. Despres Sebastien

  6. Despres Van Anh

  7. Dunbar Carlie

  8. Fairweather Shawn

  9. Green David

  10. Hennigar Chris

  11. Labelle Marc

  12. Loomer Heather

  13. Maillet Kristen

  14. Manley Alec

  15. Matchett Emma

  16. McLeod Ian

  17. Morgan Adam

  18. Perreaux Bryana

  19. Price Ken

  20. Racine Renee

  21. Rehberg Marc-Daniel

  22. Sturzenegger Andrea

  23. Varty Doug

  24. Varty Patricia

  25. Wilson Sonia

  26. Young Adam

Fine looking group of supporters!


Fredericton Bouldering Co-op

528 Smythe St, Unit 3

Fredericton, NB

E3B 3E6

In the Smythe-Dundonald Plaza around the corner from Papa John's

Our schedule does occasionally have drop-in changes due to programming and events! Please see our
for the full schedule and any special dates.


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