If you are an FBC Co-op Member, this post is for you!

Thank you to all who attended our AGM on June 2nd! It was great to see everyone in person! We missed snapping a photo of your beautiful faces - so here's one from our first AGM back in 2018.
It came to our attention that several members hadn't received the notice that there are Board seats up for election this year, therefore we are having an additional virtual meeting on June 29th at 7pm over MS Teams to vote on and confirm those positions.
The descriptions of open seats are attached for your review and consideration.
We currently have the following names put forth for the following positions:
VP Business Development - Ian McLeod (currently sitting in this position)
VP Marketing - Emma Farlow
VP Finance - Carlie Dunbar
Please find the following Board Seat Descriptions attached for your review.
The above information was circulated to members via e-mail on June 8th, 2022. If you are an FBC Co-op Member and did not receive a meeting link e-mail - please reach out at fbcwall@gmail.com and we'll be sure to send it to you!
Thanks all,
FBC Team