July 18th Update
Summer Drop In Hours
Effective July 11th, Summer Drop-In hours changes to the following:
Monday - Friday: 6am - 8am and 5:30pm - 10:30pm
Saturday: 11am - 10pm
Womxn's Climb (8am - 9:30am) and Members' Only Climb (9:30am - 11am) will continue to run as normal
Sunday: 10am - 10pm.
Half Gym will remain 3pm -10pm to allow for route setting

Retroactive Access Pass Freeze
Summer Drop-In hours on Mon-Fri have changed due to Early Childhood Education licensing requirements. We understand that many of you purchased an access pass assuming you would have access to the gym for the majority of the day, 7 days per week. For this reason - we are taking the following actions to reduce the financial impact of our schedule changes on pass holders:
Active passes will be frozen retroactively as of July 11th, 2022
Until August 27th, 2022 when our childcare offering hours reduce to 2pm-5:30pm, Mon-Fri
From now until August 27th, pass holders are still permitted to climb during our open hours regardless of the pass freeze
We are actively searching for a location to relocate our After School and Summer Camp care. Space requirements include:
Minimum 1100 sq ft
Natural light (windows)
Within walking distance (for young children - 15 minutes) of FBC OR
With adequate ceiling height and infrastructure to build a small bouldering wall
Parking or a designated pick-up/drop-off zone
Please send leads on spaces to fbcwall@gmail.com.
Facility Upgrades
On July 17th, we moved the hold storage out of the training area and replaced it with an additional weight rack, a rowing machine, and a new, full set of dumbbell weights. We encourage feedback on the setup as we will be further optimizing the layout.
We also began the process of re-painting the lobby and locker room. We intend to maximize our time over the rest of the summer while drop-in is closed and the campers are outside by continuing to perform these types of upgrades.