New Brunswick was in Phase 1 of re-opening for one day only! And now we're into Phase 2. This means:
You can hang out with all of your family and friends now!! We're pumped for everyone about this; it's been a long road for many.
We will be upping the capacity to 40 people effective immediately for most timeslots aside from 1 hour bookings.
Capacity number may change as we go based on a number of variables
Time slots remain in place for now.
Masks are still mandatory. With additional people in the facility, please be mindful of those around you as you pull your mask down to drink your water.
Beer, etc. - no change; we still require being seated upstairs, but we should be able to use the bar space again soon!
The various GNB departments applicable to our operations have not released their own updates yet, so we will update as needed based on any further guidelines.
